home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1999-02-25 | 19.4 KB | 811 lines | [TEXT/CWIE] |
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SpriteWorldUtils.c
- //
- // Portions are copyright: © 1991-94 Tony Myles, All rights reserved worldwide.
- //
- // Description: some utilities for creating worlds of sprites
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef __SWCOMMON__
- #include "SWCommonHeaders.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QDOFFSCREEN__
- #include <QDOffscreen.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __WINDOWS__
- #include <Windows.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __MEMORY__
- #include <Memory.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __GESTALT__
- #include <Gestalt.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __TOOLUTILS__
- #include <ToolUtils.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __RESOURCES__
- #include <Resources.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __ERRORS__
- #include <Errors.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __SPRITEWORLD__
- #include "SpriteWorld.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __SPRITELAYER__
- #include "SpriteLayer.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __SPRITE__
- #include "Sprite.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __SPRITEFRAME__
- #include "SpriteFrame.h"
- #endif
- #include "SpriteWorldUtils.h"
- #endif
- static OSErr gSWStickyError;
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromCIconMask
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateRegionFromCIconMask(
- RgnHandle *maskRgn,
- CIconHandle cIconH)
- {
- OSErr err = noErr;
- RgnHandle tempMaskRgn;
- char saveState;
- BitMap iconMask;
- *maskRgn = NULL;
- saveState = HGetState((Handle)cIconH);
- HLock((Handle)cIconH);
- iconMask.rowBytes = (**cIconH).iconMask.rowBytes;
- iconMask.bounds = (**cIconH).iconMask.bounds;
- iconMask.baseAddr = (Ptr)(**cIconH).iconMaskData;
- tempMaskRgn = NewRgn();
- if (tempMaskRgn != NULL)
- {
- err = BitMapToRegion(tempMaskRgn, &iconMask);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- *maskRgn = tempMaskRgn;
- }
- else
- {
- DisposeRgn(tempMaskRgn);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- err = MemError();
- }
- HSetState((Handle)cIconH, saveState);
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromPict
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateRegionFromPict(
- RgnHandle *pictRgnH,
- PicHandle srcPictH)
- {
- RgnHandle tempRgnH;
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld,
- offScrnGWld;
- GDHandle saveGDH;
- Rect frameRect;
- ColorSearchUPP blackenColSearchUPP;
- OSErr err;
- GetGWorld(&saveGWorld, &saveGDH );
- *pictRgnH = NULL;
- frameRect = (**srcPictH).picFrame;
- OffsetRect(&frameRect, -frameRect.left, -frameRect.top);
- err = NewGWorld( &offScrnGWld, 1, &frameRect, nil, nil, 0 );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- blackenColSearchUPP = NewColorSearchProc( blackenColorSearch );
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(offScrnGWld) );
- SetGWorld(offScrnGWld, nil);
- AddSearch( blackenColSearchUPP );
- EraseRect(&frameRect);
- DrawPicture(srcPictH, &frameRect);
- DelSearch( blackenColSearchUPP );
- DisposeRoutineDescriptor( blackenColSearchUPP );
- tempRgnH = NewRgn();
- if (tempRgnH != NULL && err == noErr)
- {
- err = BitMapToRegion(tempRgnH, (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( offScrnGWld ) );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- *pictRgnH = tempRgnH;
- }
- else
- {
- DisposeRgn(tempRgnH);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( err == noErr )
- err = MemError();
- }
- SetGWorld(saveGWorld, nil);
- DisposeGWorld(offScrnGWld);
- }
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRect
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRect(
- RgnHandle *maskRgn,
- GWorldPtr maskGWorld,
- Rect* frameRect)
- {
- OSErr err = noErr;
- GDHandle saveGDH;
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld,
- tempMaskGWorld;
- Rect tempMaskRect;
- *maskRgn = NULL;
- GetGWorld(&saveGWorld, &saveGDH);
- tempMaskRect = *frameRect;
- OffsetRect(&tempMaskRect, -tempMaskRect.left, -tempMaskRect.top);
- err = SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectStart( &tempMaskGWorld, tempMaskRect.right,
- tempMaskRect.bottom );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- err = SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectPartial( maskRgn, maskGWorld,
- tempMaskGWorld, frameRect );
- SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectFinish( tempMaskGWorld );
- }
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectStart
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectStart(
- GWorldPtr *tempMaskGWorld,
- short maxWidth,
- short maxHeight)
- {
- OSErr err = noErr;
- Rect tempMaskRect;
- SetRect( &tempMaskRect, 0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight );
- err = NewGWorld( tempMaskGWorld, 1, &tempMaskRect, nil, nil, 0 );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap( *tempMaskGWorld ) );
- }
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectFinish
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC void SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectFinish(
- GWorldPtr tempMaskGWorld)
- {
- if ( tempMaskGWorld != NULL )
- {
- DisposeGWorld(tempMaskGWorld);
- }
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectPartial
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateRegionFromGWorldAndRectPartial(
- RgnHandle *maskRgn,
- GWorldPtr maskGWorld,
- GWorldPtr tempMaskGWorld,
- Rect* frameRect)
- {
- OSErr err = noErr;
- GDHandle saveGDH;
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld;
- Rect tempMaskRect;
- RgnHandle tempRgnH;
- *maskRgn = NULL;
- GetGWorld(&saveGWorld, &saveGDH);
- tempMaskRect = *frameRect;
- OffsetRect(&tempMaskRect, -tempMaskRect.left, -tempMaskRect.top);
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(maskGWorld) );
- SetGWorld(maskGWorld, nil);
- SetGWorld(tempMaskGWorld, nil);
- CopyBits( (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( maskGWorld ),
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( tempMaskGWorld ),
- frameRect,
- &tempMaskRect,
- srcCopy,
- nil );
- tempRgnH = NewRgn();
- if (tempRgnH != NULL)
- {
- err = BitMapToRegion(tempRgnH, (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( tempMaskGWorld ) );
- UnlockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(maskGWorld) );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- *maskRgn = tempRgnH;
- }
- else
- {
- DisposeRgn(tempRgnH);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- err = MemError();
- }
- SetGWorld(saveGWorld, nil);
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateGWorldFromPictResource
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateGWorldFromPictResource(
- SpriteWorldPtr destSpriteWorld,
- GWorldPtr *pictGWorldP,
- short pictResID)
- {
- OSErr err = noErr;
- PicHandle newPictH;
- newPictH = GetPicture(pictResID);
- if (newPictH != NULL)
- {
- err = SWCreateGWorldFromPict(destSpriteWorld, pictGWorldP, newPictH);
- ReleaseResource((Handle)newPictH);
- }
- else
- {
- err = ResError();
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- err = resNotFound;
- }
- }
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateGWorldFromPict
- // creates a offScreen GWorld and draws the specified pict into it
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateGWorldFromPict(
- SpriteWorldPtr destSpriteWorld,
- GWorldPtr *pictGWorld,
- PicHandle pictH)
- {
- OSErr err;
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld;
- GDHandle saveGDevice;
- GWorldPtr tempGWorld;
- Rect pictRect;
- short depth;
- GDHandle theGDH;
- *pictGWorld = NULL;
- GetGWorld(&saveGWorld, &saveGDevice);
- depth = destSpriteWorld->pixelDepth;
- theGDH = destSpriteWorld->mainSWGDH;
- pictRect = (**pictH).picFrame;
- OffsetRect(&pictRect, -pictRect.left, -pictRect.top);
- if ( (**((**theGDH).gdPMap)).pixelSize == depth )
- err = NewGWorld( &tempGWorld, depth, &pictRect, nil, theGDH, noNewDevice );
- else
- err = NewGWorld( &tempGWorld, depth, &pictRect, nil, nil, 0 );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- *pictGWorld = tempGWorld;
- SetGWorld(tempGWorld, nil);
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(tempGWorld) );
- EraseRect(&pictRect);
- DrawPicture(pictH, &pictRect);
- UnlockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(tempGWorld) );
- }
- SetGWorld(saveGWorld, saveGDevice);
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWCreateGWorldFromCIconMask
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWCreateGWorldFromCIconMask(
- SpriteWorldPtr destSpriteWorld,
- GWorldPtr *maskGWorldP,
- CIconHandle cIconH)
- {
- OSErr err;
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld;
- GDHandle saveGDevice;
- char saveState;
- BitMap maskBitMap;
- GWorldPtr tempGWorldP;
- short depth;
- GDHandle theGDH;
- GetGWorld(&saveGWorld, &saveGDevice);
- depth = destSpriteWorld->pixelDepth;
- theGDH = destSpriteWorld->mainSWGDH;
- saveState = HGetState((Handle)cIconH);
- HLock((Handle)cIconH);
- maskBitMap.rowBytes = (**cIconH).iconMask.rowBytes;
- maskBitMap.bounds = (**cIconH).iconMask.bounds;
- maskBitMap.baseAddr = (Ptr)(**cIconH).iconMaskData;
- if ( (**((**theGDH).gdPMap)).pixelSize == depth )
- err = NewGWorld( &tempGWorldP, depth, &maskBitMap.bounds, nil, theGDH, noNewDevice );
- else
- err = NewGWorld( &tempGWorldP, depth, &maskBitMap.bounds, nil, nil, 0 );
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- SetGWorld(tempGWorldP, NULL);
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(tempGWorldP) );
- CopyBits(&maskBitMap,
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( tempGWorldP ),
- &maskBitMap.bounds,
- &maskBitMap.bounds,
- srcCopy,
- nil);
- UnlockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(tempGWorldP) );
- *maskGWorldP = tempGWorldP;
- }
- SetGWorld(saveGWorld, saveGDevice);
- HSetState((Handle)cIconH, saveState);
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWSetTransparentColor - allows you to set the background, or unmasked color
- // of a sprite to a color other than white. Important: the sprite's background color
- // MUST match the color you use with SWTransparentColor, or the Sprite won't load correctly.
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static RGBColor SWTransparentColor = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; // white
- SW_FUNC void SWSetTransparentColor(const RGBColor *RGB)
- {
- SWTransparentColor = *RGB;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWBlackenGWorld
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWBlackenGWorld( GWorldPtr oldGWorld )
- {
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld, newGWld;
- GDHandle saveGDH;
- Rect gwldRect;
- GWorldFlags pixelState;
- ColorSearchUPP blackenColSearchUPP;
- OSErr err;
- GetGWorld( &saveGWorld, &saveGDH );
- gwldRect = oldGWorld->portRect;
- pixelState = GetPixelsState( oldGWorld->portPixMap );
- err = NewGWorld(&newGWld, 1, &gwldRect, nil, nil, 0 );
- if ( err == noErr )
- {
- blackenColSearchUPP = NewColorSearchProc( blackenColorSearch );
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(newGWld) );
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(oldGWorld) );
- SetGWorld( oldGWorld, nil ); ForeColor(blackColor); BackColor(whiteColor);
- SetGWorld( newGWld, nil );
- AddSearch( blackenColSearchUPP );
- CopyBits ( (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( oldGWorld ),
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( newGWld ),
- &gwldRect,
- &gwldRect,
- srcCopy,
- nil);
- DelSearch( blackenColSearchUPP );
- DisposeRoutineDescriptor( blackenColSearchUPP );
- SetGWorld( oldGWorld, nil );
- CopyBits ( (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( newGWld ),
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( oldGWorld ),
- &gwldRect,
- &gwldRect,
- srcCopy,
- nil);
- SetPixelsState( oldGWorld->portPixMap, pixelState );
- DisposeGWorld( newGWld );
- }
- SetGWorld( saveGWorld, saveGDH );
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWWhitenGWorld - this function is called whenever SWBlackenGWorld is called to change
- // all pixels in the Frame's image matching SWTransparentColor to white. This function,
- // along with SWSetTransparentColor, allows you to load self-masking sprites without
- // requiring the "transparent" color to be white. (With an additional delay, that is.)
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static unsigned short SWTransparentValue;
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWWhitenGWorld( GWorldPtr oldGWorld )
- {
- GWorldPtr saveGWorld, newGWld;
- GDHandle saveGDH;
- Rect gwldRect;
- GWorldFlags pixelState;
- short pixelSize;
- ColorSearchUPP whitenColSearchUPP;
- OSErr err;
- GetGWorld( &saveGWorld, &saveGDH );
- pixelSize = (**(oldGWorld->portPixMap)).pixelSize;
- // Compute index 0 for the current depth
- if ( pixelSize <= 8 )
- SWTransparentValue = 0xFFFF; // white, becomes index 0
- else
- SWTransparentValue = 0x0000; // black, is RGB 0
- // If SWTransparentColor is already index 0, then this function is not needed
- if (SWTransparentColor.red == SWTransparentValue &&
- SWTransparentColor.green == SWTransparentValue &&
- SWTransparentColor.blue == SWTransparentValue )
- {
- return noErr;
- }
- gwldRect = oldGWorld->portRect;
- err = NewGWorld(&newGWld, pixelSize, &gwldRect, nil, nil, 0 );
- if ( err == noErr )
- {
- pixelState = GetPixelsState( oldGWorld->portPixMap );
- whitenColSearchUPP = NewColorSearchProc( whitenColorSearch );
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(newGWld) );
- (void)LockPixels( GetGWorldPixMap(oldGWorld) );
- SetGWorld( oldGWorld, nil ); ForeColor(blackColor); BackColor(whiteColor);
- SetGWorld( newGWld, nil );
- AddSearch( whitenColSearchUPP );
- CopyBits ( (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( oldGWorld ),
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( newGWld ),
- &gwldRect,
- &gwldRect,
- srcCopy,
- nil);
- DelSearch( whitenColSearchUPP );
- DisposeRoutineDescriptor( whitenColSearchUPP );
- SetGWorld( oldGWorld, nil );
- CopyBits ( (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( newGWld ),
- (BitMap*)*GetGWorldPixMap( oldGWorld ),
- &gwldRect,
- &gwldRect,
- srcCopy,
- nil);
- SetPixelsState( oldGWorld->portPixMap, pixelState );
- DisposeGWorld( newGWld );
- }
- SetGWorld( saveGWorld, saveGDH );
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // blackenColorSearch
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pascal Boolean blackenColorSearch( RGBColor *RGB, long* position )
- {
- #pragma unused(position)
- if ( RGB->red != SWTransparentColor.red ||
- RGB->green != SWTransparentColor.green ||
- RGB->blue != SWTransparentColor.blue )
- {
- RGB->red = RGB->green = RGB->blue = 0x0000; // masked (black)
- }
- else
- {
- RGB->red = RGB->green = RGB->blue = 0xFFFF; // transparent (white, index 0)
- }
- return ( false );
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // whitenColorSearch
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- pascal Boolean whitenColorSearch( RGBColor *RGB, long* position )
- {
- #pragma unused(position)
- // Convert pixels matching SWTransparentColor to 0, leaving others untouched
- if ( RGB->red == SWTransparentColor.red &&
- RGB->green == SWTransparentColor.green &&
- RGB->blue == SWTransparentColor.blue )
- {
- RGB->red = RGB->green = RGB->blue = SWTransparentValue; // set to 0
- }
- return ( false );
- }
- #pragma mark -
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWClearStickyError
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC void SWClearStickyError(void)
- {
- gSWStickyError = 0;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWStickyError
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWStickyError(void)
- {
- return gSWStickyError;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWSetStickyIfError
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC void SWSetStickyIfError(OSErr errNum)
- {
- if ( errNum != noErr )
- gSWStickyError = errNum;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWHasSystem7
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC Boolean SWHasSystem7(void)
- {
- long versionNumber;
- OSErr err;
- err = Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &versionNumber );
- SWSetStickyIfError( err );
- return (err == noErr) && (versionNumber >= 0x0700);
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWGetProcessorType
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC OSErr SWGetProcessorType(short *processorType)
- {
- long response;
- Boolean powerMac = true;
- short processor = -1;
- OSErr err = noErr;
- err = Gestalt(gestaltSysArchitecture,&response);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- switch (response)
- {
- case gestalt68k: powerMac = false; break;
- case gestaltPowerPC: powerMac = true; break;
- }
- if (!powerMac)
- {
- // 68k
- err = Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType,&response);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- switch (response)
- {
- case gestalt68000: processor = 68000; break;
- case gestalt68010: processor = 68010; break;
- case gestalt68020: processor = 68020; break;
- case gestalt68030: processor = 68030; break;
- case gestalt68040: processor = 68040; break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // PPC
- err = Gestalt(gestaltNativeCPUtype,&response);
- if (err == noErr)
- {
- switch (response)
- {
- case gestaltCPU601: processor = 601; break;
- case gestaltCPU603:
- /* case gestaltCPU603e:*/ processor = 603; break;
- case gestaltCPU604: processor = 604; break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- *processorType = processor;
- return err;
- }
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SW_ABS - return the absolute value of a short
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SW_FUNC short SW_ABS(short theNum)
- {
- if (theNum >= 0)
- return theNum;
- else
- return -theNum;
- }
- #if (SW_ASSERT_ON == 1)
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SWAssertFail - called when the expression in SW_ASSERT() is false.
- ///--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SWAssertFail(char* filename, int lineNum)
- {
- Str255 fileString = "\p";
- Str15 lineString;
- short n, result;
- unsigned long junkTime;
- NumToString((long)lineNum, lineString);
- for (n = 0; filename[n] != 0; n++)
- {
- fileString[n+1] = filename[n];
- }
- fileString[0] += n;
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- ShowCursor();
- ParamText("\pAssertion failure! This program will now quit. The failure occurred here:",
- fileString, lineString, "\pN/A");
- result = StopAlert(kAssertAlertID, NULL);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- SysBeep(1);
- Delay(15, &junkTime); // Wait for beep to finish
- }
- ExitToShell();
- }
- #endif